Jul 10, 2023Liked by Gnome Chonky

Paid good money this last weekend to see a one-man play about C.S. Lewis, because I remembered liking him from my early days as a Christian (which I left ~15 years ago). It centered a lot on his apologetics, which, frankly, I didn't find compelling at all. While hundreds in the theater applauded and made noises about how incredibly "smart" and "intellectual" the man was. It's interesting how the religious perspective colors people's ability to think clearly about something and what arguments and reasoning they find compelling.

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And interesting points on the Narnia series! I loved A Horse and His Boy growing up, but you're spot on with those callouts. Kind of like reading Lord of the Rings and noticing all the best men are tall and white, and the dark southerners OF COURSE align with Sauron...just, worship of the glorious West.

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